Eight research proposals for the „Vucina Vasocic“ award have been received

The three-member commission for the evaluation of research projects for the “Vucina Vasovic” award had the task of choosing the best proposal from the eight who were received.

Commission for evaluation of research projects within the award “Vucina Vasovic”

The commission consisted of Damir Kapidzic, associate professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Olivera Komar, associate professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro, and Bojan Todosijevic, senior research associate at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade.

The young researcher and his proposal will be presented soon and will be supported within the project “Montenegrin Social Science Lab”.


DeFacto Consultancy
8.Marta 55, Podgorica

This project is funded by the European Union and the Government of Montenegro within the EU and Montenegro programs for employment, education and social protection.

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