Public opinion research (attitudes, trust, beliefs, and opinions), including political public opinion polling.
Development of data-driven communication strategies and image building regarding the target audience to which messages are communicated, along with message testing.
Research for the purposes of market segmentation, pricing, advertising, and product development.
Customer and buyer satisfaction research.
DeFacto conducts B2B research using a comprehensive database of business entities registered in Montenegro.
Quantitative methods are primarily used to estimate the prevalence of certain phenomena, or in other words – to measure the extent of something. In addition to this, using inferential statistics enables us to establish the connections among detected phenomena. Qualitative methods are mainly used to understand certain phenomena better, i.e., to answer the question of why something is happening.
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing is a method of data collection via telephone with the aid of a computer. Respondents are randomly chosen from a database of phone numbers, after which trained interviewers ask questions from the questionnaire and input the answers into a computer. DeFacto has a database of over 950,000 landline and mobile phone numbers registered in Montenegro, ensuring the high representativeness of the findings. Telephone surveys are also faster than field surveys, making them suitable for short surveys prioritising prompt results.
Computer-assisted personal interviewing stands as the most reliable and accurate data collection method in Montenegro. Data is collected through personal visits to randomly selected households and interviews with randomly chosen respondents. Data is input into a tablet, allowing for quality control (in addition to logical checks, the response length can be monitored, the tablet movement can be tracked via GPS, etc.).
Computer-assisted web interviewing is a form of online surveying. Respondents complete surveys sent to them via email, SMS, or a link distributed through social networks. This surveying technique enables collecting a large number of responses virtually in real-time and is considered the future of surveying. DeFacto invests substantial efforts in innovations related to internet-mediated surveying.
Paper and pencil interviewing involves data collection using a printed questionnaire. Field interviewers conduct face-to-face interviews with respondents, documenting their answers on a printed questionnaire, after which the collected data is entered into a database. This technique is suitable for interviewing more sceptical respondents but is gradually falling out of use.
A case study involves an in-depth examination of a specific case. By its nature, this method is idiographic and primarily descriptive. The goal of the analysis is to gather a large amount of information about a particular phenomenon that often reflects social practices, institutional mechanisms, and social patterns.
Analysis of available documents and literature (Desk research) involves searching, analysing, and structuring information on the research topic from relevant sources. The research team analyses available databases, official data, and reports from public and private institutions, systematising existing knowledge, frequently serving as the first step in further research.
An in-depth interview is a method for exploring personal attitudes, beliefs, and values that allow the interviewee to elaborate on and explain their opinions in more detail without the influence of the group. In-depth interviews are conducted in the form of an informal conversation, as unstructured, semi-structured, or structured interview format. It is most commonly used when the interviewee has specific specialist knowledge and information about the research topic.
Group discussions about a specific topic, phenomenon, or product. Participants are selected to match the profile of the target group whose opinions are of interest. The moderator often encourages a free-flowing conversation in the form of a semi-structured group interview. The results go beyond the collected opinions since this method allows insights into the observed dynamics among the participants.
Mystery Shopper is an effective way to evaluate the quality of customer service. It is conducted by trained interviewers who assume the role of customers of the client’s services and thus gather relevant information about the quality of service and products the client offers. Mystery shopping is particularly suitable for retail chains, banks, hotels, cinemas, and restaurants.
Eye tracking is a technology that records eye activities, providing insights into where people look, how long they keep their eyes on something, what they disregard, when they blink, and how they react to different stimuli.
Information obtained through this method is valuable for improving communication and business strategies, as well as analysing the behaviour of individuals and social groups.
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