In this section, it is possible to download integral databases with respect to the conditions of use.
There are currently two bases available. The first is the integral base from 2012.
CSES questionnaire
The second available database is part of the research from 2016. A section related to nationally relevant issues is available. The part of the database containing the CSES module will be available after it is published on the website of this program. Namely, as a member of the CSES group, the MNES study complies with the rules of the group, which, among other things, include the priority of publication on the CSES internet presentation. It is expected that this part of the database will be available in the spring of 2017.
MNES questionnaire
Before downloading the database, it is necessary to register. After that, you will receive an email with a link to download the data (a package containing the database, codebook and contextualization).
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