Research Day organized at the University of Mediterranean

Representatives from DeFacto Consultancy organized a Research Day at the University of Mediterranean on November 10th, during which they presented the Montenegrin Social Science Lab (MSSLab) project, the application of eyetracking technology, and the capabilities of the first laboratory for social research in Montenegro.

Nemanja Stankov and Nina Đuranović from DeFacto spoke about the application of eyetracking technology in determining visual direction, designing marketing campaigns, and promotional materials.

Students from the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Visual Arts, through practical examples, have seen how data obtained through the use of this technology have improved the design of recognizable brands.

During the presentation, Prof. Dr. Darko Lacmanović, the Vice-Rector for Teaching at the University of Mediterranean, stated that eyetracking technology can be an extremely useful technique for better understanding consumer decisions.

Discussing unconscious consumer reactions on which they base their decisions and perceive a particular brand, Lacmanović noted that adopting innovative techniques such as eyetracking technology is essential for the development of neuromarketing.

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