DeFacto is announcing a job opening for the position of Coordinator of the Enumerator Network.

DeFacto Consultancy, a market research and public opinion research agency, is announcing a job opening for the following position:

Coordinator of Enumerator Network

Job Description:

  • Coordination of enumerators for public opinion research projects
  • Maintaining regular contact with agency enumerators
  • Improving the enumerator network
  • Logical, telephone, and field control of completed surveys
  • Recruiting participants for qualitative research

Candidate Profile:

  • High school diploma
  • Computer literacy
  • Category B driver’s license
  • Excellent communication skills
  • High level of organization, resourcefulness, and responsibility for assigned tasks
  • Previous experience in a similar role will be considered an advantage

DeFacto offers an opportunity to work in a dynamic team, competitive compensation, and opportunities for learning and development.

All interested candidates can apply by sending their CV to the email address:, and those shortlisted will be invited for an interview. Applications should be submitted by September 2, 2022.

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8. Marta, broj 55
Podgorica, Crna Gora